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Writer's pictureLeah Burnett

How Well Do You Know East Africa? Here are answers to your FAQs.

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

East Africa is beautiful, filled with rich, natural resources, exquisite animals, and remarkable panoramic views. There are so many reasons to love the area. The top reason we love it - the people.

​There's no other place on earth quite as special as amidst a community of faith-filled East Africans. They know how to be present, focus on who and what matters, and deeply take life in. Although they struggle with things we often take for granted in the West, their faith in God and each other are paramount to their existence.

Whatever your reason for caring about this special place and its people, here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

1. How many countries are in East Africa? What Are they?

There are 19 countries that make up East Africa. See if you recognize all of them: Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Somaliland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

2. What are the region's prominent exports?

East Africa's top exports, though not exhaustive, are vegetables, coffee, tea, fish, tobacco, and cut flowers.

3. What are the two tallest peaks in Africa?

The two tallest peaks in Africa are both located in East Africa. They are Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya.

4. What is the largest lake in East Africa?

East Africa is home to the world's second-largest freshwater lake, Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is located mainly in Tanzania and Uganda but also borders Kenya.

​5. What are the fastest animals?

East Africa is home to four of the five fastest land animals. They are the cheetah, Thomson's gazelle, lion, and wildebeest.

6. What religions are dominant?

Christianity and Islam are most widely practiced. While there are numerous religions, the Abrahamic religions are the most prominent.

7. What are some important natural resources found in East Africa?

Some of the most valued resources include diamonds, silver, copper, gold, sugar, salt, iron, and uranium.

8. What is the climate like?

The climate is generally tropical. It does vary depending on factors such as altitude.

9. What language is most used?

Swahili is the language of East Africa. It is a mixture of Arabic and other tribal languages.

10. When is the rainy season?

The rainy season various by country. Here are some examples:

Uganda & Tanzania - March to May & October to November

Kenya - April to June & November plus most of December

Rwanda - March to May & October to mid-December

Pray for East Africa

Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your Spirit, which is moving all across the globe, enabling Your plans for East Africa to come forth. We thank You for all of the workers, ministries, churches, leaders, organizations, and individuals who labor to make Your name honored in the land of East Africa. We ask you to refresh and bless them.

Lord, You know the needs of your people. You know the need for food, clean water, bridges, rain, housing, buildings, transportation, books, technology, clothing, shoes, materials, medical supplies, and laborers. You hear the cries of their hearts. You are with them. They are not alone.

We pray for your protection, provision, peace, and great salvation to manifest in the lives of those who know You and those who have yet to know You. Have Your way, our Father. Thy will be done in the land and lives of those in East Africa. Oh, how you love them!

“Save us, Oh Lord our God gather us from among the nations that we may give thanks to your Holy name and glory in your praise," (Psalm 106:47).

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