“And the Lord said, ‘Write the vision…’” (Habakkuk 2:2).
The prophet Habakkuk inquired and complained to the Lord about injustices he witnessed in his world. He patiently waited for God to answer and give him a heavenly perspective. The Lord responded to Habakkuk, assuring him that divine justice would ultimately prevail.
God shared His plan with Habakkuk. He instructed him to record the revelation. The purpose of writing down the vision was to preserve it and refer to it in difficult times.

What is Habakkuk’s message for us?
The righteous will live by faith, persevering through tough times, while remaining faithful to the Lord. The enemies of God will not succeed. Habakkuk reminds us that the Lord is trustworthy and will one day remove the darkness and evil forever. It is important to seek the Lord for a plan and then write it down.
Why is it important to write our vision?
Writing the vision is an act of obedience to do what the Lord asks.
Writing our vision lets us plan the most efficient course to achieve goals. It brings clarity and focus to our plans. We remember what is important and why we stay the course.
When we write the vision, given by God, we keep a visual reminder before us of what will be accomplished by faith. When times get challenging, revisit the written vision for motivation.

How do I write the vision?
Start with your personal vision. Let God show you His vision for your life, then write it down. Here is an example of a personal mission statement:
My purpose is to glorify God by showing the poor and unseen that God loves them.
Next, ask the Lord how he wants to use you. Here is an example of an organizational vision:
Our mission is to help sustain Christian ministries in East Africa. We will do this by bringing awareness and using fundraising to support ministries that care for orphans, widows, the poor, and the vulnerable in East Africa. We will follow Jesus’ command in John 13:34 “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
How to write God’s vision for your life and ministry:
1. Have a heartfelt conversation with God.
2. Ask God to reveal His vision for your life and ministry.
3. Wait for His answer. It might take time and it might come to you in stages.
4. As you wait, fast, pray, and search the Scriptures.
5. Write down the vision.
6. Add practical steps that you will take in faith to the attain the goal.
7. Obey, believe, and persevere.

Writing your vision is an important step to success. In any endeavor, you will experience highs and lows. Keep your written plan before you so you can remember why you need to endure certain hardships. Stay the course and see how God will honor your hard work.